Wedding photographer in Essex
Essex wedding photographer
wedding photographer kent
Kent wedding photographer
Richard kinsley photography
Who do you choose to take the pictures of your wedding day, the cheapest, the most expensive or somewhere in between.Price alone can not determine how good or how poor an image is, some photographers realize that in order to be a good photographer you have to be a good business man and offer value for money, whereas other photographers believe photography is more important than value for money.
Wedding photography is a game of two half's, half knowledge and half equipment, your photographer must have the experience and knowledge on how to handle different lighting environments which can change in the blink of an eye, is there enough light?, is the light too strong or too weak, do i need to add flash, ?, how much flash, what aperture, what shutter speed,?, the list goes on and on and all these thoughts that create that picture of your wedding day have to be processed and put into practice constantly throughout the day. So yes, anyone can buy the latest all singing all dancing dslr camera and take a picture, but if they don't have the working knowledge on how to apply that knowledge to a camera they might as well stick to their grainy mobile phone.
The other half of two half's is equipment a wedding photographer will invest thousands of pounds into his/her equipment where as an amateur wedding photographer will most likely have an entry or mid level dslr with standard kit lens which may only cost a few hundred pounds and the ability to take crisp, clean images on an overcast summers day may look nice in program or semi auto modes then try to take a picture in a 11th century Norman church where there is no natural light and only old tungsten light giving off an orange haze and the clergy have said flash is not allowed. This is where a professional quality dslr and fast 2.8 lens can work in almost non existent light and produce grainless images with no flash and the knowledge to apply manual settings just by looking at available light will come into their own.
So yes do your research, look for consistency in the pictures you are vetting , look at church wedding photo's , look for shadow and light, but above all like the like no buy.
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